Faith That Works Pt. 5

Faith That Works Pt. 5

We finish our series today in the epistle of James. Where do you place your trust? Join Pastor Bill in James chapter 5 and let’s take a look at what Scripture has to...
Faith That Works Pt. 5

Faith That Works Pt. 3

Pastor Bill speaks on how James 3 features two primary thoughts; controlling our tongues, and receiving heavenly wisdom. The apostle continues to provide practical application for our faith in Jesus as he encourages us to take control of the words that we speak, and...
Faith That Works Pt. 5

Faith That Works Pt. 2

Pastor Bill speaks on how the apostle James addresses the treatment of the poor by those who were pushing them to the side and away from the table. This week’s study is a strong reminder for us to keep a constant check on the attitude of our...
Faith That Works Pt. 5

Faith That Works Pt. 1

Pastor Bill speaks on how the epistle of James is a powerful reminder that our faith must be put into action. To only hear what we should do without acting in obedience leads us away from Christ. Join us as we take a look at what the apostle James has to teach us...