Act Justly  |  Love Mercy  |  Walk Humbly

Fridays at 7 pm

Sterling Heights Campus

Join us every Friday at 7 PM for FCYA, our Young Adults ministry at Freedom. Open to all young adults looking for community and growth.

“Have you ever felt like there is more to faith than just going to church on a Sunday or just being a good person? Me too.

FCYA is a place for you to ask the tough questions, a place where you can grow in your relationship with God, and a place where you are seen and valued for who you are. I would love for you to come check us out. Let’s learn new things about our Jesus together.”

James Hess

Young Adult Director

FCYA Instagram

Stay connected and informed. Follow the FCYA Instagram for inspiration, updates, and a glimpse into our community.


Small Group Leaders  |  Worship Leaders

FCYA’s success depends on dedicated volunteers like you. Sign up below to make a difference in the lives of our young adults and join our team.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.